Wallace Round Personalized Self Inking Return Address Stamp
Wallace Round Personalized Self Inking Return Address Stamp Envelope
PSA Essentials Personalized Self-Inking Return Address Stamp
Wallace Round Personalized Self Inking Return Address Stamp font
Wallace Round Personalized Self Inking Return Address Stamp samples

Wallace Letter Return Address Stamp

Regular price $39.95 Sale

Personalized Stamp Design

Looking for a classic, stylish way to stamp your correspondence? Look no further than PSA Essentials' Wallace personalized stamp!

With its traditional design and versatile functionality, this stamp is perfect for everything from return addresses to book plates.

Plus, with our wide range of customization options, you can make it uniquely yours.

So why wait? Order your Wallace personalized stamp today!

Rubber Stamp Details

  • All of our self-inking stamps are made & assembled by hand, right here in the United States!
  • Impression size: 1.625" diameter
  • If you need to replace/change the design/text on your current PSA stamp, choose "Replacement Stamp Design Only". A single-color black ink pad is included with all purchases.
  • Personalized Stamp text will be typeset as the sample shows, unless otherwise specified

Want to Further Personalize? Shop Stamp Accessories

We offer a rainbow of ink colors to choose from! Single-Color Ink & 2-Color Ink

Stamp/Embosser Message (Enter Below):

  • Self Inking Stamp - $39.95

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