Letters from Home
As summer gets into full swing, all of our kiddos will start into their overnight camp adventures. Both good and bad experiences will build character, but what parents most look forward to are the letters from camp. I know that I do. You can read a lot into those letters, but look at them positively and here are some tips on writing to them at camp, as I’m sure your kids will look for your letters as much as you look for theirs…
1. Don’t fill your letter with “You are missing somuch at home”, etc. And, never, ever, include any bad news. Both could trigger more feelings of missinghome, which(don’t worry) your camper already has these feelings, whether theymention them or not. Instead, say thatyou are looking forward to learning about all the things that they are doing atcamp.
2. Send your letter before camp starts. We all know the reliability of the USPSnowadays, so make sure you get one of so your camper receives by the end oftheir experience. And for weeklongcamps, that is an easy delivery window to possibly miss.
3. Send a top ten list or make a joke. If you are writing before camp, start in onsome fun topics, with top ten lists and jokes. It is your job to entertain, but to also know that you want them to havefun on their experience so here is a little gift to help them on the way tothat fun.
4. Try not to embarrass them. Each camp has a different culture. Some write a lot of letters; some don’t. So check with your camp to see what fits andtry to go with the flow.
5. Another way to entertain is to make it a game ora puzzle, instead of just a letter. Yourcamper really just wants to receive something from you, showing that you arethinking about them while they are away. So, if you are having trouble with content, try adding some crosswordpuzzles, Mad Libs, or word jumbles. Youcould even go so far as to create a coded message and see if they could figureit out!
Although we tend to look at camps as a “vacation” fromparenting, don’t forget the easy art of letter writing to show your camper thatyou are with them through their experience!

Stamp Designs for All!
We have tons of designs to choose from! You will easily find a design that suits everyone! From modern designs to youthful, to classic, and more! Don't be afraid to think outside the box, if you don't want to personalize with an address, just use names, name & location of camp, or your favorite quote! Have a family logo/crest? We do that too! We are here to help, if you have any questions, please feel free to reach out!